Get Rid of The FUPA With These Workouts
Is it possible to get rid of fupa with exercise alone and obtain a heart shaped butt? Hello Unicorns we are going to be talking about the hottest topic these days and that is the heart butt. Everyone wants one, but some think you have the genetics to get it. Well I'm telling you that is false. You can have a heart shaped butt just by following some simple instructions. Be sure to check out the pioneering woman Ashley Black she is the originator of these techniques and they are awesome. You are going to have the right tools for the job. The fascia blaster is a tool created to help reshape your fascia into what it was intended for.If you don't have one I have a link to one in the description as well as a link to an alternative tool that you can use in the mean time if you are waiting for your blaster. Fare warning it wasn't created for what we are going to do today, so your results may not be as awesome. Of course the most important thing is a good diet. Because exercise and tools can only get you so far in achieving the body you want so less of this and more of this.
Now that you have your tool in hand. you want to be sure to be nice and oiled up. Don't do this over close like I'm doing this is for demonstration purposes only. You want to start with your love handles this would be the back and sides. Then you want to go into the high butt. Look I've already sort of got a heart shaped butt. Right? and its only been a week and a half. So het that High Butt that's important. This is going to redistribute fat from the top of your butt to the bottom of your butt. which is nice. Then you are going to go into the side butt or as I like to call them saddle bags. This is important because nobody want saddle bags. So get it nice and good. You can do it standing up or laying down as shown. Now you are going to want to do the glute hammie tie in.
Its important this is whats going to give you a nice lift and everyone wants a lifted butt - but you must start with fupa exercises to get rid of the fat. Alright and now for the exercises. Gluteus Maximus yeah, so basically you are going to stick your leg straight behind you and lift it. try not to bend over or use your lower back to lift. As you can see I'm doing a marvelously horrible job. But you know at least its good to show you what not to do. So tuck that tummy in and try it. You know what it really was a workout and my butts looking pretty good after this so maybe I'm not doing it totally wrong. Next the Gluteus Medius. Thats pretty much just turning or rotating your leg and keeping your hips straight and rotating your leg and your foot out and kinda going behind you. This works rather well I was dying. Granted I'm trying not to fall over and I would try to get your leg straighter than mine.
But hey thats not to bad. thats pretty good actually. Definitely check out Ashley Black's tips on getting rid of the fupa. She is much better. Gluteus Minimus! This is rotating your foot in and your leg in and doing pretty much the same thing that we've been doing before. But more out to the side. Alright this is a freaking hard workout. I looks so easy, She (Ashley Black) made it look so easy in her videos. But dang it is tough. I suggest holding on to a chair. The entire time. So you can look at what I'm doing, look at what she( Ashley Black) did. Holy Cow, It was awesome. Its hard Its not as easy as it looks. Now for the TFL(tensor fascia lata) hard to say. I do a modified version. Ashley keeps her bottom leg on the ground. I lift mine. its actually easier for me because I was relly using my obliques. This prevents me from doing that. I suggest doing this Workout and the blasting 3-5x a week and don't forget to do a full body blast as well. That way you can unbound any other fascia that might be preventing your butt from getting that heart shape.
If you have suggetsions on other things you can do to get a heart shaped butt. Post them in the comments and share what has worked for you. I hope you got some added value out of this. So stay on track with your exercises to get rid of that dreaded fupa. For some fupa exercise tips visit here.
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